Basic English Syntax with Exercises

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Multiple complement constructions involve verbs which take three arguments. In one type apart from the subject there is a theme and a locative (verbs of placement) while in the other type apart from the subject there is a theme and a goal/beneficiary double object constructions). In the text theta-marking light verbs are introduced, hence accommodating three arguments into the structure is not a problem. The event structure of these verbs can be broken down into three sub-events. With verbs of placement, the agent (subject) is introduced in the specifier of the light verb position. The theme is introduced in the specifier position of the thematic verb and the locative in the complement position of the thematic verb. With double object constructions, the goal is generated in the complement position of the thematic verb and the theme is in the specifier position of the thematic verb. To be able to derive different word orders, the goal moves into a specifier position between the specifier of the light verb and the specifier of the thematic verb. As the event structure of the double object construction involves three sub-events, there are two light verb phrases erected on top of the thematic verb, thus there is a specifier position available for the goal to move into.