Volume 5 (2005)
László Marjanucz
Zsolt Hunyadi
Editorial Board
László Koszta, Ferenc Makk, László J. Nagy, Enikő A. Sajti,
Sándor László Tóth, István Zimonyi
Proof Readers
Marie-Madeleine de Cevins
Gayle Hendry-Cortez
Pongrácz Sennyey
In memoriam Samu Szádeczky-Kardoss (1917–2004)
Melinda Székely, Pliny the Elder and the Problem of regnum hereditarium
Mónika Mezei, Jews in Early Medieval Towns as Described by Gregory of Tours
Tamás Nótári, Comments on the Avar-related chapters of the Conversio Bagoariorum et Carantanorum
Zoltan Kosztolnyik, The influence of Latin Canon law on the Golden Bulls issued by Andrew II of Hungary
István Petrovics, Hungary and the Adriatic Coast in the Middle Ages. Power Aspirations and Dynastic Contacts of the Árpádian and Angevin Kings in the Adriatic Region
Tibor Almási, A contribution to the history of the term sigillum mediocre in the Hungarian Kingdom under the Angevins
Sarolta Homonnai, Western Europe and Hungary in 1346 as reflected in the daily life of a diplomatic mission
Taef el-Azhari, The Turkmen Identity Crisis in fifteenth-century Middle East:The Turkmen–Turkish Struggle for Supremacy
György Kukovecz, Fe y decadencia (Iglesia y religiosidad en Potosí en los comienzos del siglo XVIII)
Lajos Kövér, Trieste au XVIIIe siècle : porte méditerranéenne du Royaume de Hongrie?
Davis C. Wright, From Honoured Mound of Bones to Neglected Mound of Refuse: The Mass Burial Site of Anti-Mongol Loyalists in Yuqiao Village, Jiangsu Province, China
Judit Pihurik, Против «советского рая»Заметки венгерских солдат о целях войны и сталинском Советском Союзе
Two European Christian rulers at the end of the Middle Ages: István Nagy and Matthias Hunyadi (Zoltán Kordé)
Armed Nomads, Nomadic Arms (Katalin Nagy)
Das Commonwealth von Byzanz. Osteuropa 500–1453 (Éva Révész)
Die Geschichte des Erzbistums von Kalocsa (Csilla Horváth)
Therésia Dér, Die Gestalt des heiligen Stephan und des heiligen Ladislaus in Ungarn entstandenen, lateinischen, mittelalterlichen liturgischen Gesängen
László Gálffy, Angers au XIIIe siècle: Développement urbain, structures économiques et sociales
Szonja Hollósi, Contribution à l’étude de l’imaginaire dans les lettres francophones du Maghreb: transformations mythiques et contextuelles. Approche pluridisciplinaire
Zsolt Hunyadi, Hospitallers in the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary, c.1150-1387
István Zimonyi, The Hungarian Passage of the Ğayhānī-tradition