Basic English Syntax with Exercises

Suggested answer for Exercise 10

The adjuncts are given in brackets.

aThe [little] boy gave a [nice] drawing to his mother [for her birthday].
bThe teacher wanted to know whether the [new] students would know what to do [[when] they arrive].
c[Why] do you ask me whether I want to buy a [new] computer [next year]?
dThe [new] [guest] professor of Mathematics [from Germany] will [probably] arrive at the [[recently] renovated] [railway] station [at 2:15].
e[How] can you decide whether a loaf of bread [on the shelf] is fresh or not?
fJack and Jane saw a [very interesting] [new] film [at the cinema [in the [city] centre]].
g[Sometimes] it is difficult for students to find the adjuncts [in sentences [like this]].
hThe mayor of the city said that the river is unlikely to flood the city.
iThe workers didn’t believe that they didn’t have to work [on the following week].